It is easy to get caught up into the stress and troubles of day to day life. I have been going through a period lately where I have been very concerned with things that don't really matter. Then, you go out, to do something you love very much, and are so intensely in the moment that time stands still, and all that
is is you, and the sensations you are having at that very instant. We were supposed to take Justin and Bekah climbing at the Bridge Bands today, but rain hampered our efforts. Just as we were thinking about packing it in, and not going out, Travis and I had the idea of taking them bouldering on Cedar. All I can say is thank god we went out. It was much needed. I got to play tour guide for one, in an area that I know well, that I have established problems in, and that is one of my sanctuaries, when so many other people are tied down, and I want to get away for awhile. The pictures speak more for it than I ever could. The crew wound up being fairly strong in number. Justin, Bekah, her sister, Amanda, who I swear is nothing but smiles, Lisa, Travis, Cheeto Bandito and myself.

You would never guess she is twenty feet off the ground, scared to death. Amanda is a trooper.

Justin on the highball Mark Ciahia and I set up so many years ago.

Justin and Bekah on top of the highball.

Amanda working her way up. She is already about five feet up.

Bekah at the top. Around twenty five feet.

Pressing it out.

What now?

On the highball.

About fifteen feet off the ground. Not bad for the first time bouldering.

Justin by the Assassin Boulder.

Hands of the Assassin.

Trav, with the Assassin behind.


Bekah working it.

Bekah next to the Assassin.

Justin and Bekah.

I swear, all she does is smile.

Justin preparing for some finger ripping fun.

Little knobbies.

Me on Turtlehead.

Check the swing!

Pressing out the mantle from hell.



On the Bearhug.

Light, rock, chalk.

The first moves of Turtlehead.

Travis hugging some bear.

J-man giving her.

Amanda on Dirt Boss, after pulling a pretty good sit down start.

Dirt Boss.
Good times, good times. It is quite a bit of fun to go out with a bunch of people you really feel comfortable around. It makes it so easy to try things way to hard for you, when you trust them, and know that they are there for you. Get out there, play, and have fun!